signal on syntax;signal on ioerr /* Error trapping */
parse arg DOpusPort
DOpusPort = Strip(DOpusPort,"B",'" ')
If DOpusPort="" THEN Do
Say "Not correctly called from Directory Opus 5!"
Say "Load this ARexx script into an editor for more info."
If ~Show("P",DOpusPort) Then Do
Say DOpusPort "is not a valid port."
Address value DOpusPort
If ~Show("L","rexxsupport.library") Then Do
dopus request '"' || "'rexxsupport.library' had to be added to your system." || '0a'x || "If you don't have this (standard) library, your machine may crash!" || '0a'x || "(This is an ARexx problem, not my fault!)" || '0a0a'x || "You should add this line to your user-startup:" || '0a'x || "SYS:RexxC/RxLib >NIL: rexxsupport.library 0 -30 0" || '" OK'
/* Note - There is no reliable way to see if a library was actually added
or not. Blame ARexx, not me! - In fact, when I added a library
that didn't exist and then tried a dud function, my machine
gurued. */
lister query source stem source_handle.
IF source_handle.count = 0 | source_handle.count = "SOURCE_HANDLE.COUNT" Then Do
dopus request '"You must have a SOURCE lister!" OK'
lister query dest stem dest_handle.
IF dest_handle.count = 0 | dest_handle.count = "DEST_HANDLE.COUNT" Then Do
dopus request '"You must have a DESTINATION lister!" OK'